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Home : Top 100

The Top 100!

  • Ag Workforce - Employment agency focused on recruiting staff for the agricultural industry. Specialising in machinery operators and large scale cropping.
    (Added: Mar 28 2008)   Listed in :  Services: Recruitment   
  • Pacific Seeds - Supplier of canola, maize, sweetcorn, sorghum, oats, sunflower and pasture seed.
    (Added: Sep 13 2003)   Listed in :  Products: Seed   
  • Seasonal Work Australia - Online database of seasonal and casual work opportunities around Australia. The site actively targets working- travellers including overseas backpackers but is of interest to all job-seekers looking for employment in harvest and other farm work.
    (Added: Mar 1 2005)   Broken link   Listed in :  Services: Recruitment   
  • Tru-Test - Manufacturer of a range of products for farm and livestock management including milk meters, livestock scales, electric fencing and pasture growth meters.
    (Added: Oct 16 2003)   Listed in :  Livestock: Equipment   
  • Goldacres - Manufacturer of spraying equipment including self propelled, broadacre, vineyard, linkage and 12 volt sprayers.
    (Added: Oct 25 2003)   Listed in :  Products: Spray Equipment   
  • David Evans Group - Supplies a wide range of machinery including tractors, headers, tillage, hay and forage equipment, slashers, planters mowers and boom sprays, as well as spare parts.
    (Added: Oct 8 2003)   Broken link   Listed in :  Products: Farm Machinery   

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